Understand, oh people of the Book, that when our Master laid upon us this truth; that ‘no one comes to the Father but by me’, no stricture of conformity was being placed upon us in his saying that. Indeed, to the contrary. What the Master was inviting us to do, was open our hearts.
Understand this: that we were not expected to institutionalise that Truth, though tragically we did. Know this: that our Master was not talking about the Church or the Word, though in our lust for separation, we have made it so. Instead, oh people of the Faith and the Book, understand that He spoke to us of matters of the heart.
Understand thereby this eternal Truth: that when one of God’s children reaches out in love and kindness to another of God’s children, or to some part of God’s creation, then that child of God has Christ and God within his or her heart and is one with the Father. And whether they practise Christianity or Islam or Hinduism, or are atheists to their bones, makes not one jot of a difference.
So know this well, you people who have taken the letter of the Word and thus have trampled upon the spirit of the Word: When our hearts are inclusive, when we are filled with kindness and love: then we are with the Master and our road to the Father is assured. And no attempt at divisive labelling, no curse of otherness, no spiritual demarcation into any particular faith or denomination or scripture, can ever alter that fact.