A man and a woman stand silhouetted on a hilltop. They embrace in a kiss. We are reminded that physical, emotional and spiritual love bring us together into ONENESS with each other: indeed, into the ecstasy of ONENESS. We are reminded too, that when two people love – physically, emotionally and spiritually – they also achieve a ONENESS with the very heavens, with God, with all of creation, with the universe entire. As the couple embrace, darkness is falling, but the radiance of the sun, as it slips beyond the horizon, silhouettes them, and encapsulates them in the radiant divine.
We might imagine that we are very ordinary people. But we are not. Our entire life is a deeply and profoundly spiritual life. Our life is our own mystical and sacred quest that will one day, beyond the eternal infinity of the cosmos see us achieve ONENESS with all the Cosmos, ONENESS with the ALL. Our seemingly mundane lives could not be more special, or more important. Very few days go by when we are not involved in all those moral dilemmas of life, all those moral and thereby spiritual decisions that have to be made day by day, hour by hour and almost minute by minute. We will forever be aware of this greater dimension when we care for our children: the offspring of our LOVE. We know instinctively that we are morally responsible for them, and we guide them and cherish them as deeply loving experiences. We are the Gandalfs of our own worlds, guiding our children with love as they enter their own spiritual and sacred pilgrimages through life. With each year, almost with each day, we guide them on their quest into adulthood, into moral and spiritual adulthood. Their destiny becomes our destiny. Their lives and their sacred and spiritual unfolding and awakening become our sacred and spiritual unfolding and awakening, become our destinies too. And when we enter into procreation by which we bring into being these children of ours, we enter – if we are lucky – into feelings of deep love, experiences of deeply spiritual ecstasies. We become ONE with he or she with whom we generate these new lives. We become ONE with them. In the seemingly most basic of our physical instincts we experience and enhance the highest and most perfect experiences of love for another, and in that experience we become ONE with that other. This seemingly basic act of sex, is sacred and profound; is spiritual in its intensity. And at those most sacred of moments, in the ONENESS we experience we KNOW the other in ONENESS, and together we generate new life, we create new life. We might imagine that our lives are mundane and of very little significance. But our lives are not mundane. Our lives are suffused with God, as we take the spiritual and sacred pilgrimage of ONENESS that is us, that is our seemingly mundane lives. Never think, for one moment, that our lives are without meaning. Our lives are forever our spiritual pilgrimage.
Sex is not a moral issue.
How we handle our relationships: