A deeply spiritual woman, calm and perhaps at peace, except for her eyes, that express sadness and horror as she contemplates what we have done to our beautiful Planet Earth, to our Gaia. She stares out from the sands of a beach that is littered with all the detritus of our so-called civilised lives. The beach is filthy with all our discarded stuff. This is a deeply spiritual woman who knows what must be done, but whose eyes betray her doubts as to whether humanity will actually do what must be done.
Our awareness at last of what we have done to our planet, to our precious Mother Earth, to our Holy Gaia, and our awareness at last that we are responsible for this, and must make ourselves responsible for healing our environment, for creating the possibilities for our natural environment to flourish and be healed, is a vital moment in humanity’s spiritual journey, in humanity’s sacred pilgrimage to ONENESS with ALL. We cannot always peer into our souls. We cannot always sense the state of anyone’s soul; by peering at his or her face: though often we do carry the spiritual state of ourselves on our face and do carry the truth of our souls deep in our eyes. But our environment, the state of our sacred Mother Earth displays the state of our collective souls in full view. And too often what we see in terms of our environment, and thereby in terms of our inner spiritual selves, is not good.
Sir Christopher Wren was laid to rest on 5 March 1723 in the south-east corner of the crypt of St Paul's cathedral in London which he designed and built. The Latin inscription on a plain stone plaque in the crypt ends with a profound statement which translates as follows: ‘Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you’.
Reader, if you seek a monument to the spiritual state of humanity, we would say, ‘look around you’. Our Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia, OUR HOME has been despoiled. She is the living, or we might say ‘dying’ proof of what we spiritual pilgrims have become. We are nothing except scavengers on the face of our planet, unless we accept our spiritual and sacred duty towards each other and towards our Mother Earth. Sadly, we imagine that we are better off if we pursue material gain at almost any cost. But if the inmost secrets of our souls revealed in what we are doing to our Mother Earth, then we must become self-aware at last, and must seek not only reconciliation with each other and with the flora and fauna of our once beautiful Mother Earth, but must also seek some sort of redemption. What we truly are is revealed in the state of our lands and seas. If we seek to heal ourselves, then we must seek to heal our Mother Earth’s environment. If we seek to give spiritual meaning to our lives, then we must accept that our Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia, is sacred, and must be ONE with our spiritual meaning, that indeed the stare of our planet is a profound and spiritually significant manifestation of the actual state of our souls. Our sacred and spiritual quest is forever a moral quest. Every test requires us to leave light and healing in our wake, not darkness and despoilation. ‘Man and woman, know thyself’, is what we have always been told. So this is the truth of us at this time in our sacred pilgrimage: Man and woman, look upon your Mother Earth, upon your beaches and seas, upon your fields and your mountains: and know thyself, and hang your heads in shame.
It is not only the physical environment
That must be cleansed.
It is also the environment of mind,
Which is linked,
And which is US