We see an artist deep in his work that is his part in all our planet’s creation. He is deep in a form of meditation that transcends the mere physical, that allows him to touch the infinite. We also see a bearded mystic. He too is deep in his spiritual quest, seeking his spiritual awakening that will see him transcend into the heavens, into ONENESS with the universe and the cosmos, and with God. Both artist and mystic bring deep meaning to us and to our understanding of our place on our Mother Earth, our precious Gaia. Both artist and mystic seek oneness, achieve a sort of holistic awareness. They touch the infinite and thereby become ONE with each other. These are deeply spiritual matters. The mystical is folded deep within the purpose and meaning of art. If art does not speak to us, does not attempt to raise our consciousness and awareness in some way, then we might want to say that it is not true art. True art, because it touches us deeply with its meaning, is always deeply spiritual and because of its effect upon us and upon our world, is also deeply mystical. The mystic, of course, all but by definition is deep in the spiritual and mystical quest. Artist and mystic do indeed journey together. We are forever pilgrims when we contemplate art, and also when we attempt to understand the clues the mystic might give us. There is profound spiritual unfoldment deep within our minds and our souls as we contemplate the purpose and meaning of the artist’s message. When we contemplate an artist’s offering, somewhere deep in our hearts and our souls, our own mystical and spiritual journey is being awakened. Our churches and temples are sacred places. Perhaps we can understand that our concert halls and art galleries are equally sacred. For there does not have to be reverential hush for the inner sanctums of ourselves to be opened to the infinite.
Artist and mystic journey together:
Both delving deep within themselves:
Both transcending themselves;
Both thereby touching the infinite.