Our utilitarian buildings are a true reflection of our present view of ourselves. All that matters is that our physical needs are met. The spirit is of no consequence at all. There is, though, a trend now back to harmony and spirit. Prince Charles has been involved in this. We cannot hope to become spiritually fulfilled and spiritually at peace with each other until the buildings we create and the towns and cities we live in reflect that harmony and spirit, until they reflect ourselves.
The prophets of Israel continually made the point that if the people of Israel lived by the Law, in other words, lived ethically, then they would prosper under God. If they did not, then there would ultimately be calamity. This had to be so, because of the bad karma that would inevitably be generated. Now we are in the same situation as was ancient Israel on so many occasions. People now so often do not behave ethically. Oh, they do not always break the law, but you always hear people boasting about how they pulled off this deal or other. People no longer live honourably. Hence the decline of our nation. Until we restore honour and ethics to our everyday dealings, we shall not come out of our present-day morass. In the 19th century there were undoubtedly unscrupulous people who made fortunes, but nonetheless people were expected to be honourable, and indeed there was a real code of ethics that the aristocracy and the middle classes so often tried to operate by. Deals were made, but when made, a gentleman did not go back on his word. That was the code, even if it was not always adhered to. Do we have any sort of underlying code of ethics these days?
It is not just the physical environment that has to be redressed. It is the ethical as well. The physical environment is the world in which we live and upon which we depend. The ethical arena is actually us ourselves.