We are born into a pattern of possibilities. A shape is within that pattern. It is the fluctuating, undulating shape of what we might be.
From our beginning, the ALL is already ONE in Us.
The pattern of our Birthing
Is already the pattern of our Becoming.
Our Birthing, our Being, our Becoming,
Is an unfolding undulation of Oneness:
Writ in the unfathomable ALL;
Writ in ourselves:
Our un-writeable calling.
Every Beginning encompasses the enigma of its Becoming.
Every Becoming is the fulfilment of its Beginning.
So is it with us.
The primal echoes of our Birthing,
Ring with the seasoned repercussions of our Becoming.
And, above all this,
Those primal patterns of possibilities at our birth,
Are given voice,
And are given shape,
By the songs of life that we sing.