An elderly and weather-beaten woman stares in dismay from out of a background of an opencast mineworking. Deep in her eyes are the wounds of her spirit before the wasteland that we have made of our Earth, our beautiful Gaia.
If our planet generates ley lines of interconnected energy flows, as some tell us it does; much as our bodies, some say, are connected by acupuncture flows of energy lines, then everything we do to our planet, the roads we carve into the landscape, the buildings we erect, and of course the mines, both deep and open cast, that we gouge out of the rock and earth, will have inevitable deleterious consequences for us all. We are all connected to the ALL. We live and breathe with our planet’s living and rhythmic breathing. We are CONNECTED. We are ourselves, and we are each other, and we are the environment in which we function. Gouge out rock and earth, and we gouge out something within ourselves.
Our beautiful Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia, is the visible and ever-present face of our soul. To understand where the soul of humanity now is, look no further than our planet. All of life, all of existence, is spiritual. And how we treat our Mother Earth is the visible and at times tragic manifestation of the spiritual state of ourselves. If we cannot understand that all of life is a sacred and mystical pilgrimage to the stars, that all of life is deeply embedded within the spirit, then we will fail. We are failing. Now, as we see what we have done to our Mother Earth, and indeed still are doing, it is possible that we have at last turned a profound corner in our spiritual pilgrimage. But this must only be the beginning. We have so far to go. And if we are to make this a truly sacred turning point in our collective lives, then we must know that to properly heal our planet we must do so, not because our own self-interest is at stake, but because we love our beautiful Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia. Love is the key. We can only truly nurture our children when we love our children. The teacher who does not love his or her pupils will never be the great teacher that he or she could have become.
We have indeed blighted and scarred our Mother Earth. We are indeed becoming aware of this: the great spiritual awakening for humanity. But we also have to understand that ALL is ONE. We do not only have a sacred and spiritual responsibility towards our Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia, we are also spiritually connected. Everything we do has spiritual ramifications. When we blight and scar our Mother Earth, we blight and scar ourselves. Our connection with our Mother Earth a sacred and mystical connection that we can never escape from. We cannot be entirely healed until we have healed our Mother Earth. We cannot pursue our sacred pilgrimage until we have become truly ONE with our Mother Earth. The spiritual unfoldment of humanity is embedded in the holistic truth of our connectedness with each other, and with our connectedness with our Mother Earth. The healing of our planet’s environment is an integral part of our spiritual and sacred destiny. To love ourselves, and to progress spiritually in our mystical pilgrimage, we must understand that we have to also love our Mother Earth: for She is indeed our Holy Mother.
We delve deep into our Earth.
We scar and blight.
Wonder not at our own pain.
We’re ONE with our delving:
Scarred and blighted in our souls.