Richard Dell draws on a lifetime's contemplation of the world physical and the world spiritual. Here are insights into our perennial religious and spiritual questions. Here also is a language that is almost poetical, which is as it should be. How else can we hope to touch the untouchable, speak the unspeakable, except through words that suggest meanings beyond their meaning? How else can the untouchable hope to touch us, except when we have transcended mundane meaning and have somehow felt the stars that are forever beyond our reach, and yet are ...
Forty-two insights; forty-two challenges.
Richard Dell draws on a lifetime's contemplation of the world physical and the world spiritual. Here are insights into our perennial religious and spiritual questions. Here also is a language that is almost poetical, which is as it should be. How else can we hope to touch the untouchable, speak the unspeakable, except through words that suggest meanings beyond their meaning? How else can the untouchable hope to touch us, except when we have transcended mundane meaning and have somehow felt the stars that are forever beyond our reach, and yet are forever in our souls?
Richard's introduction ends in the following way:
... as the words in this book formed, the stars became a tangible metaphor for the heavens. In one sense, when we look up into the night sky we are literally looking at the heavens, at the ‘starry firmament’. In another sense, I ‘see’ God / Other - call it what you will - in everything. Every grain of dust, every cell, every plant, every creature; everything, and everyone. Certainly I ‘see’ God / Other - call it what you will - in the beautiful and seemingly endless night sky.
Why do stars figure so much in these ‘insights’? Is it, perhaps, some sort of atavistic need to see our destinies written ‘up there’? Perhaps. But mainly because, as the words in this book formed, the stars became a tangible metaphor for the heavens. In one sense, when we look up into the night sky we are literally looking at the heavens, at the ‘starry firmament’. In another sense, I ‘see’ God / Other - call it what you will - in everything. Every grain of dust, every cell, every plant, every creature; everything, and everyone. Certainly I ‘see’ God / Other - call it what you will - in the beautiful and seemingly endless night sky.
Richard Dell
Each Insight is preceded by a short explanation in italics. In other words, prose precedes the ‘poetry’. If the prose to some extent provides an explicable skeleton, an x-ray if you will, it is hoped the poetry eases us at least part way into the inexplicable heart.
We are born into a pattern of possibilities. A shape is within that pattern. It is the fluctuating, undulating shape of what we might be.
From our beginning, the ALL is already ONE in Us.
The pattern of our Birthing
Is already the pattern of our Becoming.
Our Birthing, our Being, our Becoming,
Is an unfolding undulation of Oneness:
Writ in the unfathomable ALL;
Writ in ourselves:
Our un-writeable calling.
Every Beginning encompasses the enigma of its Becoming.
Every Becoming is the fulfilment of its Beginning.
So is it with us.
The primal echoes of our Birthing,
Ring with the seasoned repercussions of our Becoming.
And, above all this,
Those primal patterns of possibilities at our birth,
Are given voice,
And are given shape,
By the songs of life that we sing.
Once, we were petitioners of God. Now, we become partners of God. That is the true meaning of our time.
This coming Age is a New Age.
This New Age is a Threshold Age.
This threshold is our beginning.
This beginning is our ending.
It is the ending of who we are, who we have become.
It is the beginning of who we must ultimately be.
It will be Us made New.
Because this coming Age, this New Age,
Marks our Coming of Age.
For ages beyond number we have been Petitioners of God.
For the ages to come, we enter into Partnership with God.
That is the meaning of who we are now,
And who we must become.
That is the meaning of our Time.
When faiths sweep all before them, it is not their scriptures that win souls. It is the Breath of God, folded within the undulating patterns of the time: awakening, proclaiming, manifesting the boundless, immeasurable seasons of the heavens.
The Spirit of God is not in the Word.
The Spirit of God transcends the Word.
For the Word is of Us.
And the Spirit of God is of God.
It is not the Word that changes lives.
It is not the Word that alters the destiny of one soul,
And of a myriad of souls.
It is the Spirit of God.
It is the transcendent and indefinable breath
Upon the mystic deep waters.
It is the call of the Unknowable from the Unfathomable.
It is the Dream of the Eternal.
It is Infinity itself reaching into our own finite being.
It is not words.
It is not texts.
It is the precious deep echoes of the Unknowable.
Everything faster, everything bigger; nothing necessarily better.
Everything to be loud.
Everything to be allowed.
Everything to be fast.
Everything to avoid being last.
Everything beyond compare.
Everything beyond repair.
Noise upon noise.
Hype upon hype.
This better than that.
That better than this.
Me better than you.
Us better than them.
You race me.
I’ll race you.
We’ll race each other,
We’ll race the other.
The race to be bigger.
The race to be faster.
The race to be louder.
The race to be zanier.
The race to be cleverer,
The race to be racier.
The race against time:
Before time runs out.
1. Astrology seen from a psychological perspective. As above, so below. That within man’s spirit, when he is born, there is set up a reflection of how the stars and planets are then. This was discussed in the Channel Four programme on ‘The New Age’. 8.2.91
2. ‘Twice Born’, ‘born again’, ‘except a man is born again’, refers to initiation. “They are…. known to every “Twice Born” (Drija, or initiated) Brahman.” (‘Secret Doctrine’, Vol. 3 p80. 9.2.91
3. Winged disc symbol of the god Ahura Mazda, seen in photo at Persopolis. This is the symbol above the door of White Eagle temple at Newlands. 10.2.91
4. I was at the end of a history class with L/IIIH. Heidi asked me about God, and about the creation of the world. Devina Ramnath, who is a Hindu, came up with a brilliant point: that the creation is still going on. 25.2.91 WW1
5. The New Age is a symbol of man coming of age. Before, man was a petitioner of God. With the New Age, man, the sons and daughters of God, enter into a partnership with God. 1.3.91 ************ Twitter
6. Art is mediumistic. All good art is, at any rate. You have only to watch a great musician. They have the faces of those in a trance. That is why art is so important. It is the pursuit of truth, as Bernard Levin so rightly points out, but truth because the artist is reaching into the inner spheres, or in secular terms, is at least reaching into his or her own psyche. Only when that is done are we dealing with art. Craftsmanship is only operating at the material level. 15.3.91
7. The above (6) does bring us to the question of philosophy. Philosophy at present is concerned with the material phenomenon of language and its phenomenal meaning, rather than its archetypal meaning. 15.3.91
8. Is it possible to achieve salvation with a deathbed conversion after a life of sin? Well, if the conversion is genuine, then yes it is—in a sense. The state of our soul at death will determine the state of our existence beyond the withdrawal from the body. So if we have finally broken through passion and anger etc etc, then we shall achieve a serene level. However, we must still ultimately face the consequences of our formerly ‘sinful’ deeds, through karma in later incarnation. 23.3.91 WW1
9. The spear of Longinus is broken—remember the sword of Aragon in ‘Lord of the Rings’. 4.4.91
10. A sense of history is vital for many reasons. It is a perversion when that knowledge is in league with hatred. E.g. The Irish; women’s studies; anti-imperialism. 4.4.91
11. Free will—this exists only in how we react and feel about events. This makes sense, because that is where the reality lies: in feelings and thoughts etc. The physical world is not reality in the truest sense; but the feelings and thoughts are; and are ultimately far more powerful. 10.4.91 ************
12. One reason the Church grew in the ‘Dark Ages’, but is not growing now, is not because they then relied on the Bible but do not now, as a visiting preacher at St Paul’s said today. It is actually because the spirit of God and of the times required it to expand. Now we are entering a ‘new time’, and it is not the Church’s time. 14.4.91
13. I wonder to what extent all the undisciplined thought forms created by us on Earth affect the nearest planes. Is Hell actually a construction of our own on this earth? 21.4.91
14. The Bible has to be re-interpreted, because man’s consciousness changes. Man enters new depths of understanding as he evolves. 30.4.91
15. Fundamentalist/Evangelicals love God, but not God’s creations; namely man and the world, etc. 2.5.91
16. Pentecostalism and ‘hysterical’ healing are close to shamanism, whilst the more established church is cerebral. Pentecostalism, so long as it is heart centred, is a step towards the inner way. 5.5.91
17. Adam/Eve. The symbolism of the ‘sin’ of congress? 6.5.91
18. This is a key question. Supposing it could be shown without a shadow of a doubt that the Bible told us to hate people and commit murder. Would we obey? If not, then clearly there is an inner sense of what is right that transcends the Bible and what is written in scripture. 8.5.91 ************ Twitter
19. Fundamentalism/ Evangelism is a perversion of Christ’s message. 9.5.91
20. Definition of a miracle: ‘Suspension of material and spiritual Law. 11.5.91
21. Lucifer’s Fall: a deliberate sacrifice: if the karma begins now, then we are about to see the commencement of the Cosmic passion for 1,000 years. This is an extraordinary moment. 14.5.91
22. According to fundamentalists, to explore the evidence for psychic phenomena is to dabble in a forbidden region labelled the ‘occult’. This attitude is rather peculiar, since the Bible is saturated with parapsychological experiences. 15.5.91
23. Is there a flaw in the orthodox Hindu view of reincarnation? Assuming we cannot be eternally damned, then if we descend to an animal or insect, we are totally without moral consciousness and therefore would be incapable of moving back into the human sphere. 20.5.91
24. ‘Love thine enemy as thyself’. The great enemy is the Devil; but Lucifer/Satan the Tester—ultimately, though we turn from his ways—we have to love him, especially for his great sacrifice. 29.5.91
25. It could be said that the start of the Piscean Age spanned 1,000 years; i.e. from Buddha, through Christ, to Mohammed. 1.6.91
26. Sex is not a moral issue. How we handle our relationships is. 19.6.91
27. A key question for every Christian since the beginning of the Christian Era, is whether he or she would recognise Christ at the Second Coming. Well, the Second Coming is upon us. Christ is here, working through all those souls who see religion as an inner path or journey. The amazing growth of the New Age movement, regardless of its shadows, is the manifestation of Christ coming once again upon our shores. 29.7.91 WW1
28. Our utilitarian buildings are a true reflection of our present view of man. All that matters is that our physical needs are met. The spirit is of no consequence at all. There is, though, a trend now back to decoration and spirit. Prince Charles is involved in this. A good example of this is the Nurses Home next door to Elton and Dagmar in Morgan Road, reading. The garden is just grass, and not even cut. For very little cost, the Hospital could provide an environment there of real beauty, with lawns, shrubs, seats and statues. It would be so cheap, yet a real environment to enhance the spirit could be created. Our world can be beautified. Perhaps one day I will make my model of a town—how a town should really look. 30.7.91
29. The prophets of Israel continually made the point that if the people of Israel lived by the Law, in other words, lived ethically, then they would prosper under God. If they did not, then there would ultimately be calamity. This had to be so, because of the bad karma that was being built up. Now we are in the same situation as ancient Israel so many times was. People do not behave ethically. Oh, they do not break the law, but you always hear people boasting about how they pulled off this deal or other. People no longer live honourably. Hence the decline of our nation. Until we restore honour and ethics to our everyday dealings, we shall not come out of our morass. Undoubtedly in the 19th century there were unscrupulous people who made fortunes, but people were expected to be honourable, and indeed there was a real code of ethics that the aristocracy and the middle classes operated by. Deals were made, but when made, a gentleman did not go back on his word. It would be interesting to make a study of this, possibly by looking at newspapers, and in particularly the financial papers. 2.8.91 ************
30. It is not just the physical environment that has to be redressed. It is the ethical as well. 2.8.91
31. The fundamentalist notion that only Christianity is correct, is a latter day aspect of the notion that only the white European’s culture etc is any good. It is a lingering manifestation of that awful superiority complex that has so bedevilled the world for so long. 13.8.91
32. David Pelham talking of the higher worlds having their seasons—seasons of feelings. Imagine an autumn of really tangible wistfulness—beautiful! 20.8.91
33. Can astrology really work without taking into account the inbuilt rhythms of Gaia? 23.8.91
34. A prospective parent made a very interesting point. The fact that Muslims were forbidden to have real things in their art, they had to concentrate on abstract matters, which led to them being interested in geometry, which led to them conceptualising, and hence the use of zero and our modern mathematics. 15.9.91
35. Is radio-active material bringing energy into the world from the other side? Is a nuclear explosion releasing energy from the other side at a cataclysmic rate? 26.9.91
36. Chakras: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lotus petals: 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 four and ten make the heart.
Note that the heart has ten petals. Also that I have always, since 1962, looked upon 16 as the perfect number base. 26.9.91
37. What is the difference between trusting a psychic about the world, and trusting a scientist who tells us what weird flickers on a monitor screen mean? 16.6.91
38. What I see is not an image inside me. I am looking through my eyes at a real world. 7.7.91
39. The New Age approach to religion does mean an end to feelings of guilt. But it does not mean an end to responsibility. Indeed, because the approach comes from within each individual, the responsibility of the individual for himself and for the environment around him or her is immense. 1.10.91 Twitter
40. The largest Jewish cemetery in the world is at Auschwitz—what a terrible thought. 6.10.91
41. The holistic approach is a healing process in all sorts of ways. It is a healing of the intellectual fragmentation of Western society that has been so extraordinary, yet also so damaging. 10.10.91
42. The only answer to the National health Service crisis is the holistic approach. 13.10.91
43. Marxism was the wrong approach, because it ultimately denied individual responsibility. There must be a new holistic political philosophy. 13.10.91
44. To what extent are the radical changes in the world over the past 2/3 years a reflection of the sixties generation beginning to enter the corridors of power? Even in places like the USSR when that generation could not outwardly manifest, they were there, spiritually charged, biding their time. 15.10.91
45. A mark of the New Age is of people taking responsibility for their lives. 18.10.91
46. “Symptoms are symbols”,--taken from Channel Four: “New Age”. 20.10.91
47. The key aspects of the New Age are:
a). Creation of rational world views, that encompass physical and spiritual—which really means multi-faceted levels and degrees of consciousness.
b). Taking responsibility for how we perceive the world, ourselves, and how our world and ourselves advance. 28.10.91 ************
48. The Quantum Field, in which matter and space are manifestations of the same reality, means that science is at last delving into sub-etheric planes—which is the reality in which the apparently un-manifest field is actually manifest. 29.10.91
49. Body, soul and spirit, as a unity is joyous. This is holistic. 8.11.91
50. Mrs Parkes, the medium, made a good point. Ouija boards and a glass act as mediums in seances, but they are non-discriminating. Only a proper medium can filter out, through choice, the mischievous spirits. 11.11.91
51. The reason why psychics and dowsers do not always get the same result, as science would require, is because just as with relativity, they are working at the extremes of physical reality. Consequently, two things affect this:-
The state of the moment. On the edge of the physical everything is affected by the quality of the moment—as in Jung.
The state of the observer—the medium and dowser. They are all at different stages. They are also affected by the moment. The observer, in relativity and quantum physics always affects the observed.
The edges of the physical are on the edge of the qualitative. (They are on the very edge of meaning, 1998). 13.11.91 ************
52. The other key aspect of the New Age is clearly holism. The approach is holistic in that it takes account of all man’s vehicles: physical, etheric, causal etc. It is holistic in that it takes account of the earth as living, and that there is a spiritual relationship between us and earth. The entire cosmos is seen as one, inter-relating, inter-playing each discreet bit with the other and with the whole. 18.11.91 ************
53. I think I now recognise what is the fundamental problem with Wales, the reason why there is so much darkness and resentment. And it is interesting to note that that darkness is not so apparent in mid-Wales. The reason is that the landscape is so scarred by mining—slate and lead especially in the north, that the ley lines have been totally destroyed or disturbed. At some point this is going to have to be made good before the land and its people can breath easily again. 20.11.91
54. In the British Arthurian legends—there is always this belief that Arthur and his knights are asleep under the hills, and that they will one day return to restore. Restore what? My God, of course! To restore Albion. What is the truth in these legends? It must be that they represent the esoteric, the hidden streams of truth that have gone underground, but which will bubble to the surface again. Also, that great spiritual leaders will eventually come into incarnation again. 21.11.91
55. The next stage for science, is not to determine ‘what’ happens, but to investigate ‘why’ something happens. Scientific enquiry appears to examine ‘why’, but it does not really. It is always telling us ‘what’. What/which mechanism activates which action. But why…? 25.11.91
56. The William Smith (Kennedy) rape case:
There is this battle of the sexes in the USA. All the emphasis is on rights; women’s rights; men’s rights. What about duties and obligations? That is what we must be taught—not men being taught to respect women’s rights—but men being taught their duties and obligations towards a different sex. 8.12.91
57. One problem with the ‘battle of the sexes’, is that women have been claiming and demanding equality. However, it is not at all clear that men and women feel the same about sex. If men have become conditioned to treat women as the same as them, it is not surprising if they overstep the mark, or misread signals? 14.12.91
58. David Pelham quoted an interesting point:- prayer is talking to God; meditation is finding and listening to God. 16.12.91
59. Hegel and Marx put their fingers on it. There does indeed have to be a thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Growth can only occur through that magical equation. That is the reason for descending into the plane of matter, for only within gravity can the antithesis operate. We have to experience the dark, the struggle, in order to grow. It is a law of the Universe. The synthesis is achieved (the true and ultimate synthesis) through the power of love (the opposite of gravity?). When one has learnt to love and welcome what one is struggling against, then the antithesis dissolves, and the synthesis is achieved. 28.12.91 ************ Twitter
- Can war be morally necessary? Yes; I believe it can be: when a war is necessary, it has to be undertaken, but the protagonists even when morally justified could well be incurring considerable karma in the process. At the same time, of course, they can be paying off karmic debt as they undergo the trials and tribulations of war. War itself is often not a prime cause anyway, but is the karmic consequence of all that went before. It can often operate as a great cathartic event.6.1.92
61. For two thousand years we have been bound by the story of St Thomas the doubter. After Thomas put his hands in Christ’s wounds, Christ said blessed are they who believe yet do not see; and thus is faith raised onto its pedestal. But note that Christ did not condemn Thomas. He did not throw him into the abyss. Now, in this scientific world, we want to be like Thomas. We now require knowledge. 20.1.92
62. Fundamentalists do not see spirituality as a journey. They see this one moment of being born again. After that there can only be the certainty and joy of being with God. This is very dangerous; for tribulations will come. Things could get desperate and guilt ridden. 31.1.92
63. The reason why a Royal Family is vital to a nation is because they represent the spiritual aspect of the nation. Indeed, they are the spiritual aspect of a nation, made manifest. The reason a monarchy seems like an anachronism, is because there is a spiritual context to a monarchy, whereas the prevailing ethos of modern nations is still materialistic. 9.2.92
64. What does the ‘New Age’ mean? It is a reversal of the Cartesian revolution. It is the reintroduction of spirituality, of the final cause, back into the mainstream. 9.2.92 ************
65. The Cartesian revolution in philosophy, with the denial of any spiritual aspect to the physical universe, and with the triumph of the idea of the first cause, led to there being nothing left for religious people other than the Bible and faith. The universe could offer nothing in man’s spiritual quest. This is being reversed now. Protestantism was in tune with the mechanistic philosophy. 10.2.92 ************
66. Love is at the centre of the universe. It is the great mystery,. There must be balance. The heart chakra is the love chakra, and is the central chakra. 11.2.92
67. The necessity for gravity in order to progress; the necessity for incarnation; thesis, antithesis, synthesis. There must be struggle. There must be polarity. 12.2.92
68. Talking last night with the development group. Rita Parks made a point that was given to her from spirit. It is a vital point. The great number of religions that have emerged over the last couple of hundred years has been deliberate. It has been done to begin the break up of the power hold of the great churches; especially of the Roman catholic church. And in this country of the Anglican. What an important point! 22.2.92
- Nazi regime “was annihilated by the rebounding force of its own terrible negativity”. (From ‘As Above, So Below’). There must be harmony—balance—without it there is destruction.28.2.92
70. The story of man is primarily the story of the evolution of his consciousness. Is that a reason why the dawning of the Age of Aquarius is so important; because Aquarius is very much linked in with the mind? It is, of course, also the point when we return in this cycle. 28.2.92
71. There is an interesting parallel here. When there is hyper inflation, governments are congratulated on their ability to print more and more money of higher and higher denominations. This is happening in society as a whole. Our world is getting increasingly hectic. Everything has to be done faster. British Rail has to be faster—not safer or more elegant. Everything is hype. Everything is terrible loud. How do we get off the psychological inflation? What stops the merry-go-round? 10.3.92
72. Mankind has had to make his own way to God. That has been his vital road. That is why general communion with the spirit world was condemned. Also, man at this stage has had to investigate and control the material plane. But that is changing now. We are turning towards the long return home. Awareness of the spirit worlds can be given out again. 12.3.92
73. The twelve apostles. Each represents a sign of the zodiac. Is Christ the sun? Judas the moon? 18.3.92
- Alchemy—and the transmutation of gold. Cold fusion would achieve transmutation!14.3.92
75. A key question is this. Why should we give ourselves, when it is apparently more to our advantage to take? There is no obvious answer to this. But in actual fact, there is a profound reason. When we give ourselves, we open out our souls and auras, and by giving we actually grow. When we are selfish, we are actually closing in on ourselves. It is a difference between explosions and implosion. I suppose those people who are powerful in terms of evil are like black holes. 20.3.92 ************ Twitter
76. The above (75) brings out a political dimension. Pure capitalism can involve selfishness, yet can be tempered through education by charity etc. Socialism actually became selfish in terms of politics and personal advancement and class warfare. Society can only function when the individuals are properly taught. Hence the New Age. 20.3.92
77. There are so many reasons why there should be monogamous marriages. But one key one is that they parallel the truth of Twin Souls. 25.3.92
78. The old myths give clear signals about the path of test and ordeal towards initiation. The importance of Christ is that he showed that at the heart of this process, alongside bravery and virtue etc. is selfless love. Christ demonstrated the key, the final key, to the mysteries. We need the ancient virtues as we set out on our quest, but the final door, the final test—that can only be opened or won, when the whole purpose of the quest is turned in on itself—when the pursuit almost becomes meaningless as the seeker stands at the door and no longer desires to pass, other than through his or her selfless love for all creation, as something done for them. The original purposes and desires of the seeker are necessarily lost at the very moment of triumph. (See (80) below) 26.3.92 ************ Twitter
79. The TV programme ‘Red Dwarf’:- last week they created two identical spaceships to their own. Only one was everything about them that was perfect—their Higher selves. The other was all their lower, negative aspects in one. We saw the higher selves, which were being created by every good thought and deed. We saw their lower selves. Now; as we ourselves act and think well, we enable our higher selves to grow. Presumably, all our negative thoughts etc do the same thing. They create elementals with a sort of life. ‘Evil’ people might well create enormous elemental monsters. Hence the monsters and dragons that people could ‘see’ in the past. 26.3.92
80. This refers to (78) above. Selflessness is vital right from the beginning of the quest. If the motive is wrong, then the left hand path can be taken. So the selfless love grows and becomes more dominant as the quest is underway. It is total by the end. Perhaps at the beginning it is a sense of needing and wanting to serve God. 26.3.92 ************
81. If ever the New Age movement is accused of dubious practises such as witchcraft, it can be pointed out that in the secular world the placenta from Russian abortions are shipped to the west for use in skin rejuvenating creams. This is ‘black’ witchcraft. New Age witchcraft is of the white—being at one with nature. Much of this modern world is black alchemy. 29.3.92
82. “Some people think that humanity cannot serve itself without worshipping Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross. This is not so. It is not the outer Christ that man is seeking, except as an example and demonstration. His great need is to find the inner Christ.” From ‘Sunrise’—White Eagle, p58. 31.3.92
83. A point made by the Bishop of Bangor, as he, Jonathan Robinson and I walked around the lake near the Grail retreat, was of great interest. I asked him how he saw the church in the future. He rightly said that it was impossible to tell. He then quoted the Bible regarding the Holy Spirit, that it is “like the wind, and blows where it will”. This is the point that orthodox Christians will have to take note of—that the Holy Spirit may have shifted to a new dispensation, namely the New Age. 13.4.92 ************
84. The 20th century has seen a dichotomy between demand-led capitalism, where there has been a free for all, and often a pandering to the lowest common denominator, and supply-led idealism of socialism, which became trapped and distorted in power. We must move to the freedom and demand-led society, but with teaching, so that the people’s demands are altered. 24.5.92
85. Christianity marked the beginning of the end of man being driven by fear of the Gods to seek propitiation. Christianity led the way to man seeking out God, and desiring communion with God:- the beginning of the road back. Yet even Christianity faltered, and fell into the realms of fear—e.g. fear of Hell. In the New Age, we are seeing fresh impetus towards the seeking of God. 24.5.92
86. The significance of the Renaissance/Reformation, may well be that we saw a fresh impetus, a resurgence of energy—small ones in the interim, e.g. Cluny and Citeaux energies in monasticism; a huge input around 1500s:- another huge one now? 24.5.92
87. Not only is the New Age not marked by a definite moment, we have to look for an evolutionary shift spanning hundreds, if not thousands, of years. E.g. Buddha through to Mohammed marked Piscean shifts. Yet even the Reformation and Renaissance would have carried Piscean as well as Aquarian shifts; and indeed Buddha/Christ/Mohammed and others would have carried Aquarian aspects, and even Arian aspects. And we also have to look for Capricornian aspects in what is happening now. Aquarius is now becoming dominant, but it will be marked by Piscean undertones for centuries, and will see enhanced Capricornian tendencies. At the same time, we should expect to see the ‘shadow’ sides of these signs: i.e. Aquarius/Leo; Pisces/Virgo; Capricorn/ Cancer. 24.5.92 ************
88. Did the 25,000 year Platonic Year start, not with Leo, but with Virgo—it would make sense in terms of Virgo being identified with birth—also with early fertility figurines—we would then see the end with Libra—and balance. We would also see the extraordinary significance of the advent of the Piscean Era, as being the turning point. With Pisces, we see man beginning for the first time to become an individual, and to recognise his own responsibility for his ‘salvation’, surely a fundamental shift, in contrast to his previous identification with his tribal and national group soul. 24.5.92
89. One thing is clear. The New Age has no meaning unless we can create meaning in ourselves. It is an inner reality, rather than something ‘outside’ that we can all wait around for it to happen. It is also an evolving process, rather than an event. It is also something that is going on within all areas of the world. Happening in Christianity, for example. If anything; it’s keynote is wholeness—holistic—rather than purely Aquarian—which does rather suggest an amalgam of all three/six signs. 24.5.92
90. Perhaps the riddle of the sphinx, and its enigmatic smile (a la Mona Lisa) is that the sphinx knows that its influence is there, that it has never been eclipsed. (Leo) 24.5.92
91. Beth (age 12) made a good point at tea, when I mentioned what had come through: that the Platonic Year runs from Virgo through to Libra. I said Libra is balance. She said it’s appropriate, because in Egyptian lore the scales judge the heart of the dead against a feather. Pretty impressive—and a fitting End. 24.5.92
92. There is an interesting paradox, in that one vital aspect of the New Age is the recognition of the validity of a multitude of roads to God. This means a remarkable diversity and divergence, but at the same time, the mutual recognition of all those roads, means a remarkable convergence and unity. 27.5.92 WW1 Twitter
93. This came in meditation. The meaning of the New Age is ‘harmony’. As in (92) above, the multitude of paths, because they recognise each other, will form a beautiful harmonic that will act like an ascending ladder, a glorious channel of beautiful, harmonic light, that facilitates the ascent of man to glorious heights, and a reaching down of the spirit to man. 28.5.92 ************
94. This also came in meditation. The holistic approaches we are developing in the world are only two-dimensional reflections of the true multidimensional Holism that we are creating in the inner spheres, where Time and Space and Being become One. We see separate Holisms, that must ultimately fuse with one another, to create a Universal Whole—that must harmonise as in (93) above. 28.5.92 ************
95. Of course, following on from (94) above, we see what was one of the hall marks of the Piscean Age, and thereby learn of how it blocked itself out (almost) from the realms of spirit. There was such an emphasis upon exclusivity, that each path could only be the correct and one and only path, that there was terrible discord. This has been breaking down into a myriad of paths, with a wider, yet less terrible discord, which is already gradually giving way to harmony. Think of the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury processing down the nave of Canterbury cathedral—unthinkable a decade or so ago. Their doctrines are still mutually exclusive, yet in their hearts they are actually already in harmony. 28.5.92
96. A danger of the alternative type New Ager is that they take responsibility for themselves, but consider themselves as only answerable to themselves. 29.5.92
97. William Jackson said that in the Bible it says that Christ will return when all the world is one. Of course the Roman Church believes that that means when all the world is Catholic. Perhaps it means when all are in harmony, as in (93) above. 30.5.92
98. In the inner planes there certainly exist wonderful devices—the very stuff of magicians as we have always imagined them. But they exist because all thoughts become manifest. They do, therefore, aid the work—e.g. the development and recording of karma, but there is a real symbiotic relationship between the devices and their ‘master’. 11.6.92
99. (98) above shows that we have the wrong idea of magicians and their devices. The magician, or their predecessors, are the creators of the devices, and the devices are always changing, evolving. 19.6.92
100. Note the New Age emphasis on responsibility, and the Spiritualists’ Charter with its emphasis on responsibility as opposed to Jesus taking on for us. This is an absolutely crucial point. 27.6.92
101. The New Age concerns consciousness. In personal development, and indeed in the general development of the race, we are striving to achieve a greater awareness or consciousness of all the strands that affect us—e.g. national, group, personal karma; auras; Guides etc. And all these strands are also conscious, as everything in the universe is conscious. It is a great interlocking web of consciousness, and we are attempting to become fully conscious within it. And that consciousness we achieve will embrace the overall consciousness to the benefit of all. 28.6.92 ************
102. Personal development is only selfish and self-indulgent if we assume that we are separate from everyone and everything. But as soon as we assume that we are all inter-linked, then it is our duty to enhance our own consciousness, as it enhances every aspect of the entire universe. 28.6.92 ************ Tweet
103. The Holistic approach is part of the consciousness of the whole. It is a symbiotic relationship. By becoming aware of consciousness in everything, we are forced to become Holistic. 2.6.92
104. When we attempt to be at one with ourselves, with God, and with the world or nature. We are turning into all the levels and grades of consciousness. Again we are being Holistic. 2.7.92
- Alternative approaches in medicine all have one key characteristic: they aim to help the body to heal itself. Mainstream/orthodox medicine introduces external agencies to do the job for the body; often with side-effects. Now, this links in totally with the distinction between the New Age/Mystical approach against ‘orthodox’ religion. Orthodox religion looks for a God transcendent (external) who like a Dues ex machina, as an external agency is able to salve our sins. The New Age/ Mystical approach is to seek salvation within—to seek the God imminent, to heal ourselves and our own souls. No wonder new agers gravitate to health stores and vegetarianism, and evangelical orthodoxy will gravitate towards orthodox medicine, and even orthodox, non-healing remedies for our ecological problems. (This was prompted by a discussion on Radio Four re homeopathy this evening, whilst I drove back from Monmouth after chairing a grail trust meeting.4.7.92
106 Christianity and the Piscean Age introduced western man to the idea of salvation, and some personal responsibility with regards to that salvation. But it is only now, with the Age of Aquarius, that western man can cope with the notion of total responsibility, and as he was to achieve ‘dominion’ over the earth, the concept of healing from within. 5.7.2
107. in the film ‘Crocodile Dundee’, Mick Dundee makes an interesting point. He is asked about his views on the Aborigines and land ownership. He said that the Aborigines do not own the land; instead, they belong to the land. They are part of it. The land is their mother. 7.7.2 ************ <><><>
108. The interlocking web of consciousness see 101 above) is multi dimensional. Its strands interlock across tie—into the past and into the future. 15.7.2
109. This came as I was waiting for meditation to begin at Newlands. The subconscious is totally unknown territory, as we go ever deeper into ourselves, this extraordinary paradox arises in that our consciousness soars into vast spaces. God is within us and without us. We find God within, and of course we are an aspect of God, but God is also without us. And how interesting to think that the awakening of the Aquarian Age in the seventeenth century was marked by the dual invention of the telescope and the microscope, so that in one bound man’s consciousness was driven deep into the inner structure of nature, and was swept out into the farthest reaches of the universe. And this is still occurring today, in that the work of sub atomic physics and astrophysics are so interlocked. 19.7.92 ************
110. All approaches are ways of tapping into our own being, of discovering the essence of our own spirit. Even secular humanism is doing this. 18.7.92
111. Orthodox religions appear on the whole, perhaps even totally, to have been started by men. One significant feature of New Age movements is that so many of them have been started by women. 18.7.92
112. The most beautiful and advanced animals are the carnivores. However, it is the role of man to complete the circle by being beautiful and advanced, but also by becoming vegetarian. 20.7.92
113. The emphasis in sub-atomic physics is on the observer. And in alchemy, the purpose is that the process of transmutation ultimately achieves the transmutation of the observer—the alchemist. In meditation, as we observe what is happening deep and deeper in our psyche, so we are transmuted. And being transmuted, what we observe also changes: the one triggering the other. 20.7.2 ************
114. Astro-physicists talk of other universes. I have never liked that idea. But of course, if the universe is by definition everything, then you cannot, by definition, have another universe on the same plane of manifestation, but you can in terms of other planes. So, if black holes exist—what level of manifestation would one be sucked through to? What would such intense gravity do to matter? Raise its vibrations rate, so that it passes out of physical existence and into the etheric? 21.7.92
115. Law of Imperfection. From Etheric healing p297. “This states that all forms in all kingdoms are in the process of development and evolutionary unfoldment and that disease or malfunction is a temporary imperfection, and death a method for refocusing energy in order to proceed. 21.7.92
116. Pre-Raphaelite painting: took pre-renaissance themes, e.g. religion, but using modern form. Actually the themes are over-laid with romanticism. There is also an extra-ordinary realism, that goes beyond the photographic, giving a extra-natural reality as we would get in visions, or in the inner planes. This is also true of the exquisite use of colour, which is just beyond the clarity of the physical plane. 21.7.2
- Ancient Egypt. For them everything; mental and of the earth, was of the ultimate reality of the universe. When stone was carved, pots made, they took on a shape that had holistic significance; the significance of the material/substance, and the significance of the shape, and the significance of the purpose. All was a glorious, naturalistic, multi-faceted oneness.21.7.92
118. Hellenism. The beginning of man’s separation from nature—leading to his eventual dominance over nature. (echoes of that?). Roman has pride, Greek has beauty. This is why Hellenistic themes were so fundamental to the Renaissance and Enlightenment and why I have always found it alien. Greek/Roman statuary cries out with pride and individuality. 21.7.92
119. All sculpture retains the purpose, the spirit of the intent that the maker put into his work, that drove his work, that distinguishes craft from art. Sculptures, thereby can live and be venerated. You cannot escape the purpose. 21.7.92
120. History, knowledge of history, must trigger reconciliation, not guilt or bitterness. Likewise, we must achieve reconciliation with ourselves, and not plunge into a personal sense of guilt or bitterness. 21.7.92 ************
- Determinism v free will. The circles of the Ages do not determine man’s destiny, but they colour it with their respective moods—as the seasons do on a smaller scale.21.7.92
- Astrology:
Pisces: a deep sea of emotion—deep waters—the pull of two forces, linked yet struggling—mind/emotion
Aquarius: a wash of reconciliation, an outpouring of spirit—the eagle flight and soaring spirit.
Capricorn: occult and mystery—coming of age—depths beyond reason.
Sagittarius: golden age.
123. Science assumes that only phenomena that are repeatable in controlled conditions are real. But this is a terrific and presumptuous assumption. 21.7.92 ************
124. We are all creators of the New Age. We all create with our ideas as to its meaning, and as to what is significant within it. All, of course, creating that harmonic tune. 22.7.92 ************ tweet
125. Glastonbury Tor. It is of the earth. There is a deep earth connection. But it is here, and no doubt at other key sites, that the Earth is linked with the sky/sun/stars; with the etheric and beyond. There are tunnels, but they are in the etheric, not the physical. The Guardians of the Tor are very earthy. This is why Glastonbury can be dark. It is so alive with nodes deep into Gaia that the feyness of Earth can disorientate, disturb, cauldron mix the unwary or unready or unbalanced. (This was seen while lying on the Tor, originally attempting to sleep after a family picnic lunch. The insights of 22nd July 92 came in Oxford, following a Sunday meditating at the White Eagle temple in Newlands.) 24.7.92
- Chalice Well. The well and gardens are ethereal, very devic. It is a part of the world that has been raised to harmony; that is not disturbing. It is a poll of peace; not of, but apart from, the earth tangle of Glastonbury—sensed in the garden of Chalice Well.24.7.92
127. Ancient monuments are sterile. They would only be alive if rebuilt, or if allowed to become overgrown and allowed to slowly decay. Archaeologists seek a form of suspended animation, keeping ruins in a particular accidental state. They are prisoners of modern science. I woke to this. 27.7.92
128. Drugs. They can open you up into a greater awareness of the cosmos. They can unlock the doors. Yes; they enable you to speak; but it is not your voice—it is not of your spirit. There is no control. It is the negation of discrimination; and discrimination is the first, the prime rule for all who embark upon the quest. 27.7.92
129. The Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have done unto you. This is multi-dimensional. It refers to feelings and thoughts as well as physical. Thus we cannot steal and justify it by saying we would not mind if someone took our things. We have to understand that the stealing hurts emotionally and mentally. We would not want to be emotionally/mentally hurt regardless of the physical act that might cause it. 31.7.92
130. A key aspect of the New Age is the recognition of unquantifiable quality—essence—in all matter. This is prana (life). This is the inner manifestation of the outer physical form. This is why meat eating affects the psyche—why mineral water is better than tap water, etc. 1.8.92
131. Evangelical Christianity and the New Age parallel each other. The evangelicals seek a personal relationship, and seek to know better, Jesus. The New Ager and mystic seek to know themselves. The evangelist seeks to lose himself in order to know Jesus. The New Ager/mystic does the same thing when on the right road by making contact with his higher self, which is non-egotistical, and in Universal. So is that what the evangelical is contacting, although he gives it the name of Jesus? 2.8.92
132 Radicals attempted to change the individual by radically changing society. This often required the use of coercion, or at best persuasion. The New Age movement will change society by individuals radically changing themselves. What an extraordinary experiment. 2.8.92
133. The New Age is not only a reconciliation of spirit and earth. It also involves the inclusion of matters ‘spiritual’ into our ordinary conceptual framework of how we understand the Cosmos. Life after death, the various planes of existence, the various spiritual bodies, allow us to understand spiritual matters, rather than their being the stuff of mystery. 3.8.92 ************
134. The New Age—a reconciliation of spirit and matter. This works two ways. The raising of our understanding of the material to being sacred. The ‘lowering’ of the spiritual to being understandable and knowable. 3.8.92
135. The significance of crop circles; Glastonbury Zodiac etc.; stands over and above whether they actually have a message for us. One great significance is the very fact that people seek these places out; that they are looking upon the Earth as having the potential for spiritual meaning; that the earth is worth listening to. 6.8.92 ************ Tweeted
136. Astrology is like 135 above—it is awareness of significance in the patterns of the Cosmos. 7.8.92 Tweeted
137. Definition of the New Age: The awakening of Man to knowledge of the sacred, holistic and inter-related nature of himself, his world and his destiny. 7.8.92
138. Definition of the New Age: The flowering of a myriad paths to God. 7.8.92
139. Three approaches to New Age: Secular; Spiritual, but own path—dangers; Spiritual and submission to God. 8.8.92
140. As above, so below: The Solar System corresponds to the structure of the atom. An element i.e. the nature of substance, is determined by the number of electrons etc. Could the same be said of our Solar System? Namely that we have a particular type of Solar System, with a particular quality that is determined by the state of our sun and the number of the planets? This would be the type of Solar System necessary for our people’s present development. 9.8.92 ************
141. By introducing the spiritual aspect to our understanding of creation, we are raising, enhancing the significance, the importance of all the natural kingdoms, from mineral to human. 12.8.92
142. Healing can be linked to the ‘human potential’ concept; i.e. the power of the psyche to control the physical. 12.8.92
143. Healing and Gaia are inextricably linked. Both involve the re-creation, or reinstatement, of psychic umbilical cords. For Gaia this involves the healing of the ancient sacred sites, e.g. removing the road that runs alongside Stonehenge, so that the energy links from earth into the inner realms at these sites can be reinstated or revived. For personal healing we need to revive the umbilical links between our various bodies: physical through to causal. This is why the Holistic approach is so vital. 12.8.92 ************
144. The reconnecting of the umbilical cords is not only a key to healing. It is also a re-birthing. Gaia and man are inextricably linked. The re-birthing, those who reconnect and undergo the re-birthing, will walk like gods upon the earth, bringing blessings to all creation. Notice the link here with being ‘born again’ and also with the ‘deep sleep’ of the initiations of the mystery cults. 14.8.92 ************
145. “Religion is a defence against religious experience.” Jung—quoted by Joseph Campbell in a video. 14.8.92
146. From Channel 4 video on the New Age: Technology has disempowered people—both literally and also in terms of their own sense of themselves being inadequate against the ability of technology to do the job better. 14.8.92
147. Point made by Caitlin Matthews on Channel 4 ‘New Age’ video: “Traditional churches are long nave with an alter at the end—this is very masculine. Church in the round is the feminine approach.” The long rod is an ancient male symbol—phallus; the circle is feminine. 14.8.92
148. Lyn, on Harlech course: “The New Age is setting a new agenda.” 14.8.92
149. We have ‘mind over matter’ operating before our eyes. Mind is non-mechanistic, yet is capable of moving an arm or a leg which operates mechanistically. The will, the ego, is non-physical, yet controls the physical body. 15.8.92
150. orthodox dualism of mind/spirit and matter has, in latter times, become fused into a form of monism. The empiricists attempt to integrate mind as a part of the physical, mechanistic world. The mystic, especially following capra’s ‘The Tao of Physics’ attempts to integrate the physical seemingly mechanistic mind into the world or framework of energy/mind. 15.8.92
151. Seen in meditation. It is clear that the healing of earth and the healing of individual men and women are inextricably linked. Only when healed people walk the earth, will the earth be healed—. 16.8.92 ************
- The socialists belief that things can only be done when the social structures of society are changed, has an element of truth, but is similar to the fundamentalist’s approach. Responsibility in one sense is placed ‘out there’. The new-ager sets a new agenda by accepting total responsibility for his or herself, regardless of their culture.16.8.92
153. During the Christian Era we had a God of Being. The corollary was a man of Becoming—always frantic and searching. Now, as we enter the Aquarian Age, we have a God of Becoming, and as a corollary man can enter into the tranquillity of the state of Being. 17.8.92 ************
154. We owe our ability to learn our lessons on the physical plane to Earth. And every single atom of our bodies is made of the stuff of Earth. We are of the Earth. 17.8.92.
155. As every atom is of the Earth, do we pick up vibrations from the locality we live in as a consequence of attaining the atoms of a particular locality? Were the Celts always fey or is it a consequence of the land they live inhabit. 17.8.92 ************
156. How appropriate that the popular view is of the New Age traveller and the so-called hippy convoys. Well yes; I am a new age traveller—for I am on a journey—a great spiritual pilgrimage. 17.8.92 ************
157. Although the Earth cannot be healed entirely until man is healed; Earth is not just waiting for us to achieve that healing. It is a symbiotic relationship, and Earth is a participant in our healing. Our own healing is enhanced by our being able to relate to Earth—to feel Her, to love Her and to learn from Her. 18.8.92
- The biologist on the Channel 4 New Age programme made the point that so many people were schizophrenics about their relationship with earth—hard nosed during the week—tramping through the countryside at weekends. We need to ease ourselves away from the schizophrenia to an holistic completeness—a long process.18.8.92
159. Orthodox Christianity appears to be a rational, secular almost empirical activity, because it is all based on scripture and reasoning from that scripture. The only non-empirical, seemingly irrational act is the leap of faith that accepts the scriptures as truth. The New Ager appears far more anarchic and irrational because he or she utilises that leap of faith throughout his belief system or structure, because he is creating that belief structure for himself. 24.8.92 ************ Tweeted
160. The reliance on ancient scripture is a sterile activity. It is the parallel to our desire to preserve ancient buildings in some static but sterile state. Scripture can only be brought alive by allowing it to either crumble away into the dust of ages, or by allowing it to grow. To allow it to grow is extraordinarily difficult, but we are not here to bury our talents in the ground. To cling to ancient scripture is to run scared of the beautiful growth that could be achieved. (See 127) 25.8.92
161. Following on from 154/155 above, we must accept that the way we treat the earth affects us directly. Because the mineral kingdom is conscious, we ‘colour’ it by how we deal with it. Consequently, our bodies, which are made up of the atoms of Earth, and thus also our brains, are ‘coloured’ by the ‘mood’ with which we infuse the Earth. 28.8.92 ************
162. Soaps on TV are enjoyed and followed partly because it gives people common talking points when at work. We no longer live in communities where the people we meet every day know everyone’s business. There is no common knowledge of people, so the soaps act as a substitute. 27.8.92
163 A point made by David Pelham. There is a complex, but well defined pattern to the planet kingdom. The tremendous variety of species is not random. Each is part of a complicated pattern or dance, each with a purpose—which includes healing. Man’s economic activity is tearing holes in that pattern. Just one plant that is made extinct, tears the fabric, and thus affects the whole. 30.8.92 ************
164. The Western industrial/liberal approach, for all its virtues, has created a society in which the emphasis is continually on rights. Consumer/demand-led economics, the Citizens Charter, are all manifestations of that. But we must balance this with a sense of Dharma—duty. The organic society is still necessary—where we belong. Thatcher set up a nihilistic state that can be frightening. Society must show that it cares. 1.9.92 ************
- Very interesting listening to a radio programme on Hildegarde, the medieval female mystic. An interview with a modern nun in which the Mother Superior said that a young nun did something similar and raced to the alter crying “Jesus! Jesus!”. The Mother Superior said “She needs an early night and a cup of hot chocolate.” The young nun later ended up as a schizophrenic. Well, hardly surprising! If your psychic abilities are denied, then that is exactly how you may well end up. How sad that the nun who recounted this story must have felt so balanced and modern, yet her Order may have been responsible for bottling up a blessed gift and destroying a young mind.2.9.92
166. If the much derided experiments on cold fusion were a form of transmutation, then there is a very good reason why other scientists have found it difficult to repeat the experiments. Alchemists repeated the same experiments over and over again, never achieving anything, but waiting for the unique moment, or perhaps for the magical moments when the planets and stars etc were correctly aligned, for the transmutation to occur. Perhaps we need to study the original scientists’ experiment notes, to ascertain the exact time, and then see what the planets and stars were doing then. Perhaps a female assistant or scientist was menstruating ‘having her moon’ as Joy Shalita used to describe it. Who knows? 3.9.92
167. Wormwood is a bitter herb. It is the name of one of the stars in the Book of revelation that brings devastation to the Earth. The herb has a growth inhibitor, so that nothing within a radius of a few feet can grow. The Russian for wormwood is Chernobyl. Not only did that partly destroy great swatches of land and rivers, it certainly has a growth inhibitor, in that for a substantial radius around it, there is a hell of a growth inhibitor, and nothing grows. 6.9.92
168. All of us have equal value. We are all jewels in God’s crown. 8.9.92
169. To build or create a dream or ideal, the shadow of that dream has to be undergone. This is Thesis—Antithesis—Synthesis. The idea or ideal—the shadow—the realisation. This is fundamental to the entire working of the Universe. This is the manifestation of some great Mystery. It is even possible that the terrible sorrows undergone by the Russians this century is a precursor shadow to some great spiritual leap forward in the centuries to come by the Russian folk that will benefit the entire creation of God. 8.9.92 ************ tweeted
170. There are two forms of sorrow. There is karmic sorrow—that sorrow that post-dates an event, and is the Universe balancing itself out; and there is the precursory sorrow, that is willingly undergone in order that some ideal may be achieved. 8.9.92 ************
171. Following 117 and 118 above, it is necessary for us to create an art form that is appropriate for the New Age. What would it be? 9.9.92
172. Note that different elements are made of identical ‘stuff’. Yet a change of quantity in terms of electrons etc, produces a different element, and thereby a change in qualities. 11.9.92
173. When sub-atomic particles shift from one point to another, without time lapse, are we observing examples of two particular phenomena? 1. A break down of newton’s law: to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 2. Elimination of space/time in the inner planes. 11.9.92
174. (171 above). The art form will be hobbit like. Particularly in terms of architecture. We need to re-establish our proper relationship with the natural world, and our art and architecture needs to reflect that. 16.9.92 ************
- The atoms of the Earth that we absorb are not so localised as they once were, because we take in foods from all over the country and indeed from all over the world.16.9.92
176. “Everything that exists, yearns to live. That’s what the cycle of life is all about. That’s the engine that drives the great biological pumps of evolution.” Terry Pratchett ‘Reaper Man’. P 70. 26.9.92
177. “Dead. That was the point. All the religions had very strong views about talking to the dead. And so did Mrs Cake. They held that it was sinful. Mrs Cake held that it was only common courtesy.” Terry Pratchett ‘Reaper Man’. P 87. 26.9.92
178. Interesting point made on radio 4 programme today. Modern science took the enchantment out of nature, and the question now is whether to resurrect or recreate the sense of enchantment. I say we definitely must. 26.9.92
179. Looking out of the study window at the house, and the air was filled with the movement of midges. I suddenly realised that life is a force that has to be. The Earth teems with life because it has no choice. Wherever and whenever a survival niche occurs, then life will burst out into physical existence. Thus wasps and scorpions are not directly the creation of god, but are manifestations of the life force that have no choice but to erupt into being. Interestingly, see 176 above—and indeed the premise of that novel. 29.9.92 ************
180. The trials and shadows are absolutely vital, because without having undergone the tests, without being honed by them, we will be incapable of surviving the ultimate test when we come face to face with God—the ‘marriage’ of the lower and higher selves. This is why drugs are so dangerous, because that ‘marriage’ is achieved artificially, and without the age-long victory over the ‘trials’ the subject, the seeker, is destroyed. 30.9.92 ************ tweeted
181. “Christ did not point man to a better morality, he pointed man to Christ himself.” This was said by a speaker at IAPS Conference topic group. Yes, Christ did. Why? Because Jesus was a man, and we had to be shown that our road to God lay within ourselves. 2.10.92
182. There is a great irony in that a great number of evangelicals do not read the Bible. What they read is a modern, sensible interpretation of the bible. Now this is fine so far as looking at the Bible from a first level, from the ‘outer’ teaching. But it means that their chances of intuitively picking up something of the inner meanings are all but zero. What a tragedy. Look at Matthew Ch 6. The interpretation (a very fair one) talks of not letting your friends know what you are doing. The original, however, talks of not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing, which at one level can be taken as your friend, yet not necessarily, or at least not exclusively, and at a deeper level can mean the two sides of the brain. 11.10.92 ************
183. Evolutionists have stressed things in the wrong way. They see all life as being involved in a struggle for survival. What I see is all of creation in involved in the pursuit of life. The survival instinct operates when fear is triggered, but it is not survival as such which drives the main and basic instincts and behavioural patterns of creation. It is the pursuit of life. The animal does not seek the survival of its genes through procreation. The animal fills the available life-space, which availability is determined by ever-changing parameters. 10.10.92….************ tweeted
184. It is not work that people need, although for many people work is the only thing that can give meaning to their lives. No, what everyone needs is purpose. Purpose may indeed be found through work, but work is a lower order activity that provides the sense of purpose. With modern technology what we do is create purpose, or help everyone to find purpose in their lives. 25.10.92 ************
185. For a religious New Ager like myself, there is no problem in ‘seeing’ the world as sacred. For others it is vital that they create the myth of sacredness and live by it. They must live by the myth that man, the various natural kingdoms, indeed all of creation is sacred. It is our only hope. 25.10.92 ************ tweeted
186. In 184 and 185 above, do we have the dual poles of a vital political programme, that should lay down the social ethos for the coming Age? 26.10.92 ************
187. Science is very successful, but not totally so. Science has never been able to predict which systems will break down. They do not work with all the data. There are meta-physical aspects, which are needed if the whole picture is to be obtained. Astrology in terms when a particular machine is made? The psychic state of the builders of a particular machine? At some point the Tao of manufacturing must be introduced. Only when workers are in a good psychic state will really reliable machines be produced. Mmm. 6.11.92 ************
188. “The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” Albert Einstein. 14.11.92
189. Seen in meditation. The Christing of the world has already begun. All the spiritual workers on Earth at this time, whichever tradition we are working in, have taken on a part of the human race’s karmic load, as Jesus took upon Himself the karmic load two thousand years ago. Apart from the requirements of our own development, that is a reason why life can be difficult for us. The sacrifice of the Son of Man is already underway, and we are all part of it. 7.12.92 ************
190. Seen in meditation. To bring blessings down to Earth from the higher spiritual realms, there has to be an unlocking, in order for something so fine and glorious to enter into the denser realms. That unlocking is achieved by the workers of spirit—us—through the pain and shadow of sacrifice. This is the mechanism of Christing as in 189 above. 7.12.92 ************
191. Shown in meditation. There is nowhere to seek for God. God is the universe. The entire universe is the body and mind of God. Every particle and thought etc., is a microcosm of the macrocosm. And as we go higher up the planes, so that microcosmic quality the more clearly reflects and manifests the macrocosm. At the higher planes, the universal being of Everything is omnipresent and manifest and apparent in everything—thus the splendour and beauty and unalloyed joy of those planes. Here on the lower plane, the macrocosm is locked, either in the bonds of physical cohesion, or in the bonds of our dark doubts etc. 15.12.92 ************
192. 191 above links in with the fact that the higher up the planes we go, the more able we are to experience oneness with ourselves and everything else. Thus the fact that God is in everything and visa-versa means that the higher planes, where Oneness is manifest, fills those planes with bliss. 16.12.92
193. Shown in meditation. To reach the highest levels we must always remain humble, for otherwise we cannot properly serve God’s creation. But there is another integral factor here. At the highest levels, we are at one with all of God’s creation. And that means that even at the very highest we are intrinsically linked with the lowest elements. If we cut that awareness of the depths off from our consciousness then we cannot function in a strata that embraces all. In fact there is a great paradox in that as we reach higher, so our awareness of the depths is enhanced and becomes deeper and more meaningful with us. 19.12.92 ************ tweeted
194. The Grail is a symbol of the New Age. It is significant that all of the objects that were supposed to have been brought from Jerusalem by Joseph of Aramathea to Glastonbury, it was the chalice, the cup that either received the blood of Christ on Golgomoth, or that was used at the last supper, or both. The significance is that it was a vessel for liquids. The Age of Aquarius is symbolised by the water carrier—the man carried a vessel for liquids. 22.12.92 ************
195. A point made by Stephen Hawking on ‘Desert island Discs’. A black hole is the reverse of the exploding universe. The only difference is that we are on the outside of a black hole, but inside our universe. Now we all wonder what it would be feel like to be in a black hole, recognising it as a peculiar experience. What we must take on board is that being inside this particular universe is a peculiar one-off experience that we need to examine. 26.12.92
196. A key question is whether sexual crime has gone down since laws were liberalised and photos of nudity etc. was readily available. It seems to me that the ideal of being open about the body, of not being ashamed of it, of not seeing it as dirty, has been taken over and perverted by the sex industry that portrays the female body as seductive, sexually stimulating and available. This is where we have gone wrong. We might need nature magazines, but definitely not sex or girlie magazines. 5.1.92
197. Given in meditation. When we are on higher planes or levels of consciousness, we are in tune with the All—consequently we require nothing, because we have everything. That is why selflessness becomes more and more a facet of our being. The corollary to that is that we should not force asceticism and puritanism on ourselves or others. The ability to do without will grow as an inevitable consequence of our own spiritual growth. 5.1.93 ************ tweeted
198. When scientists say that psychic phenomena cannot exist because they are not testable and because they are not predictable as things in the physical world are, they seem to forget that at the finest aspect of creation—sub-atomic, the physical world itself is unpredictable. 31.1.93
199. Shown in meditation. We as individuals have to lead the inner life rather than the outer. We should be centres of God’s peace, making no arrogant claims upon the world. Likewise, the church should do the same. It should nurture the spirituality of its adherents without making arrogant claims that it is the only pathway to God. 2.2.93 ************
200. There is a sense in which the whole Cosmos is run on utilitarianism lines. Ordinary utilitarianism is essentially one-dimensional. Cosmic utilitarianism takes into account all dimensions, is holistic. It takes into account the heart and also past and future etc. 6.2.93
201. “No, I thought, growing more rebellious, life has its own laws and it is for me to defend myself against whatever comes along, without going snivelling to god about sin, my own or other people’s. How would it profit a man if he got into a tight place, to call the people who put him there miserable sinners? Or himself a miserable sinner? I disliked the levelling aspect of this sinnerdom, it was like a cricket match played in a drizzle, where everyone had an excuse—and what a dull excuse!—for playing badly. Life was meant to test a man, bring out his courage, initiative, resource; and I longed, I thought, to be tested: I did not want to fall on my knees and call myself a miserable sinner.
But the idea of goodness did attract me, for I did not regard it as the opposite of sin. I saw it as something bright and positive and sustaining, like the sunshine, something to be adored, but from afar.” From L P Hartley—‘The Go Between’. Ch.6 pp 69,70 10.2.93
202. History comes and goes just as with the individual we have reincarnation. Thus we have a group memory of our present world history, but previous rises and falls of civilisations are like dreams to us. There are whispers of them in our consciousness, but nothing hard and fast. 17.2.93
203. In less than a hundred years the various churches’ claims to have the whole and exclusive truth will be looked upon by religious people as positively Neanderthal. 19.2.93
204. Although there is a basic honesty to music such as the Rolling Stones regarding sex, it has actually been damaging because it strips away romanticism, mystery and that means it has stripped away significance. Individuals become objects. There is no doubt that we can all feel such basic ‘animal’ urges, but we should not condone or glorify it. We diminish ourselves in this process if we are not careful. 20.2.93 ************
205. The industrial revolution not only broke people away from their extended families, it accentuated the effect of this by imposing specialisation on people in terms of how they worked. People, over the last one hundred and fifty years have been conditioned to a non-holistic life and work style through extreme specialisation in both work and how we consume, which has fostered the calamitous growth of the nuclear family. 23.2.93 ************
206. The role of women as home-maker is vital. Society has been sold an illusion in terms of women’s rights and the equality of the sexes. They have been encouraged to become men (there is nothing wrong in this two way process as far as it goes—so long as there is balance—but it has gone too far). The passive homemaker, the strong mother figure, is vital to the nurturing of complete children and to the proper functioning of society. 24.2.93 ************
207. If there really is an increase in the crime of rape etc.; do we have a situation where a whole generation of men are seeking revenge on the mother who did not figure in their lives as children? Or is this just ‘wishful thinking’? 24.2.93 ************
208. Women have been sold the ideal of the slim figure, which is essentially a boy shape. Where are the motherly figures? All part of being like a man? 24.2.93 ************
209. For society to function, we should not just pursue our own rights. We have to acknowledge our duties and obligations. For women this means that if they are to bear children, then they have to accept their role as full time mothers. But there is a positive side to this if they enhance their uniqueness as mothers together in quasi covens. 25.2.93 ************
210. “The Higher Self or Ego, the Spirit of a man, contains a record of all that he has ever been. We have to recognise that through the Spirit is the most perfect part of a man, being of the inner Divine Fires, it is only perfect in embryo.
A small piece of silver is perfect silver, but it has not the perfection of a work of art. It is not a Benvenuto Cellini creation. So is the Spirit of man perfect only in essence. Time will enrich its capacity, content, form and balance.
This is what we are all engaged in doing now.”
From “The Testament of Truth’ by Clarice Toyne (1970) p171 28.2.93
211. The reason so many of our visions and dreams appear to us in symbolic form. This is because the essence of an event etc. is the part that is important to our eternal spiritual development. The outer husk of the happening—which some would look upon as the reality—actually reveals very little of the vital essence—motives, karmic links etc. Hence the vital role of symbols—they are keys to the inner reality. 28.2.93 ************ Tweet
212. Lady banner quoted in ‘The Times’. 3.3.93: “I’m not too hot on feminism. It’s families that are important, not feminism.” 3.3.93
213. If we study the pyramid so closely, re its dimensions etc., in order to discover its meaning, why do we not do that to the great cathedrals, especially Chartres? 5.3.93
214. Point made by Peter London—that the evangelical’s over-use of the name of Jesus cheapens that name. 8.3.93
215. Seen in meditation. The perfected man is a channel for God’s light to shine upon the Earth. As individuals evolve and perfect themselves, so will more light be brought into the world. Each of us channels some of that light depending upon our state of progress. 9.3.93 ************
216. Seen in meditation. On the higher planes everything has profound meaning and speaks its story clearly, so that one walks amidst infinite reality, a myriad tales within every glimpse. 9.3.93 ************
217. When we talk of ley lines, are we rediscovering some thing that was known by our ancestors, or are we in fact creating them? It is possible that man is at present involved in a necessary spiritual process of creating ley lines to help heal the planet through their visualisation. It is also possible that there is a combination of this going on, ie. That we are adding to them. It is also possible hat the ley lines exist, but that by visualising them we are automatically involved in restoring them by visualising them complete, and thus helping to heal the planet. 16.4.93 ************
218. There is a new paradigm emerging that is holistic and spiritual. Seeing the world as ‘an integrated whole rather than a disassociated collection of parts’. (Capra) Aspects of this new paradigm (but only aspects) filters through to people such as the New Age travellers. That might be unfair on them. 12.5.93
219. The great religions’ centres lie on ley lines, but the political power and emotions that have been locked into them for a over millennium have clogged the ley lines. The New Age will see a return to the groves. This was given to me in York Minster by a disciple of the Lord Matreya. 12.5.93 ************
220. Our natural desires for the opposite sex are a potential source of profound spiritual progress. If we can translate our natural desire for those we should not be physically involved with into platonic love, then mankind can leap forward. This will happen over the centuries ahead. Men and women will form beautiful platonic relationships. Perhaps the coming out of gays is even an aspect of that. This main message, not the last sentence, was given to me on the train between Manchester and Chester. 13.5.93 ************
221. “In the beginning was the word…” This is why mantras are so powerful. They not only block out the lower mind, by giving the whole mind something to focus on, they are also at a particular vibration and might have a particular meaning all of which have their effect. 20.5.93
222. There is no such thing as coincidence in the universe; there is only meaning. 1.6.93 tweeted
223. Number law, taken from a book, can’t remember which one:
- Unity –the One
- Production/productive/generation
- Perfect or utter—complete
- Physical—terrestrial—the square
- Initiate—bringer of enlightenment
- Physical fulfilment—preparation—spiritually incomplete
- Spiritual, eternal, perfection
- Rebirth
- Utter perfection
- Millennium or eternity—Messianic Age
- Physical reality, realisation, achievement
- Mankind—true men.1.6.93
224. point made by Peter London. The mind is so powerful, the universe had to be made to house it. 3.6.93 ************
225. Attacks on the New Age movement by the evangelicals allows this type of person to indulge in the sort of sarcastic and patronising criticisms that they used to reserve for ‘pagan’, ‘ethnic’, ‘heathen’ religions, and now for social reasons no longer can. 6.6.93
226. The insights of a variety of people are the revelations that the new Age movement is built upon. These revelations are the manifestations of a new unfolding of the nature and purpose of God, as Christ’s, Mohammed’s Buddha’s and Moses’s revelations were. 7.6.93
227. There is a great yearning on the part of Christians to discover and thus emulate the practices and inspirations of the early church. The great irony is that if they could get back to those times they would discover that the early church was a movement of New Agers, with new revelations. 7.6.93 ************
228. When Christians say that people must turn to God to make it to Heaven, does it actually say in the bible that this must be done before death? Can that process not continue in the life beyond the grave? 19.6.93
229. Reincarnation is necessary because the universe must always be allowed to return to balance, to equilibrium. Only reincarnation can achieve that through the equalising mechanism of karma. 20.6.93 ************
230. When people attempt to prove things logically, or from the bible, there is a real danger that they are actually demanding acceptance of, even compliance with, their point of view. This is control. What we should be doing instead is putting forward our ideas and allow others to absorb these ideas in their heart centre and accept them as their heart requires. 21.6.93 ************
231. Huxley’s ‘Brave new World’. Soma type drugs e.g. ‘Prozac’ which produce a sense of well-being, are dangerous because they deny the individual the introspective lows and negate the learning levels which the soul must undergo. 23.6.93
232. On the spiritual path it is vital to learn discrimination. As we progress we must understand that not all the people we meet are on spiritual paths. There are many who are on psychic paths. It is possible to develop the psyche whilst on the spiritual journey, but some develop the psyche without laying the secure spiritual foundations that are so necessary. 26.6.93 ************
233. Scientists talk of the survival factor as the motivating force in the universe. But that is actually the negative, the shadow, of the true force, which is the ‘life’ force. A niche is filled not because there is a survival niche to be exploited, but because life joyously fills every gap in the universe—for the universe must tee, with life. 26.6.93 ************
234. The influence of astrology. Is it digital rather than analogue? If number is at the essence of the universe, then the vibration is discrete and digital. 29.6.93
235. Numerology of the Universe. In the beginning was the Word—the Logos. In Hebrew and Greek, numbers are letters—so the beginning was meaning and number—which is structure. 29.6.93
236. Sexuality and sex is the fulfilling of life. It is a vital actuating principle for the motivating force of the universe, which is life. 29.6.93
237. As one rises up to the highest planes, consciousness of course expands at a phenomenal rate. We must understand that God experiences our joys, more poignantly our sorrows with an intensity which would leave us breathless to say the least. This is a point made by David Pelham, which I have expanded on. 8.7.93
238. As the moral standards of plays, films and books deteriorate, with increasing homage to sex and violence, we are seeing the final descent into the low nether regions of Hell. Mankind must rise up through it all. 22.7.93
239. Trivialisation of sexuality, pin-ups and degradation of women, is the shadow side of the feminine upsurge that is such a feature of the New Age. 31.7.93 ************
240. Fundamentalism is one, perfectly valid, but one of many, pathways to God. Fundamentalists have to understand that their choosing the route of obedience to the Word, is a particular and valid device or system to provide a framework for a particular spiritual path. 4.8.93
241. Mediums are often accused of producing nothing but trivial messages. But this ignores the sort of inspiration that can come through to people who would not even look upon themselves as psychic. It also ignores the main purpose of spiritualism which is just to provide proof of survival of life after death. Also, we have to sort things out for ourselves down here. It is not god’s way to work things out for us. 4.8.93
242. If gravity is the antithesis of love, the thesis. Then is it gravity that restricts the speed of light? 5.8.93
243. Seen in meditation. There is a definite hierarchical order in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Crystals are at the top of the mineral kingdom. This is a sacred order, and much can be learnt from it. Metals are a sub order, with gold at the top. In the vegetable kingdom, flowers are at the top, with trees I should think. We should wear a crystal or mineral that matches our own development. This would be for psychics to work out. We should also choose a mineral slightly higher than our own stage, in order to speed our own development to that stage. 6.8.93 ************
244. Seen in meditation. We all have many many blocks in our psyches. We need to steadily unlock these various locks/blocks. Some are major. Many are quite small. Each unlocking frees us. Often the unlocking comes through sacrifice. 6.8.93 ************ tweeted
245. Fundamentalism appeals to intellectuals because it gives them something to study. They feel they are doing the same sort of valid exercise as in their normal studies. That is why fundamentalism took off in the reformation, because it was part of the new scientific mood that was about to burst out into the world. 7.8.93 ************
246. Seen in meditation. The stars in the sky are each different, and with a distinct and definite effect (influence) upon the planet. There is a whole story, a mystery, an insight into our planet’s purpose to be read from the stars. The mythology of the constellations are key clues to this story, though they are only part of it. The stars form a complex pattern of influences. 15.8.93 ************
247. “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit.” Quoted for me by Farouk Walji. 1.9.93
248. Stars are homeopathic. Each has its own ‘colour’, which in minute degrees affects our being as with homeopathic medicines. 26.8.93
249. Sexuality and spirituality are different sides of the same coin. That is why the sublimation of sexuality is so dangerous, but the transcending of sexuality so gloriously and spiritually powerful. The 60s were both spiritual and sexual, but it was the sexual revolution that predominated. This was seen in a brief meditation. 18.10.93 ************
250. Part of the significance of alternative / complementary healing is that it is a process of preparation. These therapies etc will not properly come into their own until we have raised the general vibration rate of our planet. They are also, of course, part of the process by which these vibrations are raised. 26.8.93 tweeted
251. In stone circles that have irregular stones, many of them very gnarled and peculiar, we have to recognise that in such ‘Druidic’ circles each and every stone has a personality, a life, a symbolic significance within the circle that is linked to its shape and its substance. Does each link with the character of zodiacal signs? 9.11.93
252. in ‘thesis, antithesis, synthesis’, healing is the synthesis. This trinity of a process is powerful and completing. Did Marx and Hegel not recognise its profound and sublime significance? 9.11.93 ************
253. We have moved into the post-industrial age, but have not accordingly moved into post-materialistic thinking. This we must do if there is to be reconciliation and balance (healing) between ourselves and between us and our planet. 17.11.93 ************
254. We are no longer interested in the pursuit of happiness. If we ever were. Now we pursue gratification—which is of the senses—be it sexual, or TV, or holidays, or consumer items etc. 17.11.93 ************
255. There is a great and fundamental irony in that as women have made their great advances in this century, we have actually seen a century in which the masculine, utilitarian, logical aspects have been exaggerated to the points of absurdity and near destruction. Womanhood should be healing. We wait for women to suffuse the world wit the female aspect. It will come. Women who get to the top, taking on male attributes have been vital pioneers. 6.12.93 ************
256. Everything these days is mundane reality. We have to paint things as they are. We are no longer allowed to cluing to any sort of ideal, for fear of it being flawed. So aspirations are not allowed. All must be mundane reality at its basest level. 19.12.93 ************
257. What blocks us from true and clear communion with our higher selves is desire. As we shed personal, selfish desire, so we clear the way to clear communion. Given in meditation last summer. 30.12.93 ************
258. Modern democracy is the reflection of modern trade. In trade, decisions are made through the medium of money. In the political arena, it is ideas that are bartered. The process is, however, essentially the same. 18.1.94
259. The sixties were marked by an upsurge of ethics and an upsurge of hedonism. The two were combined in a break away from the mores of the fifties and earlier, but they represent at their extremes two distinct and incompatible strands of that revolution. 19.02.94
260. Is it possible that all the early Kings of Egypt were laid to rest in the sarcophagus of the great Pyramid, and their bodies removed later after key conjunctions of stars and planets? It is possible, and it still could have been used for initiations. 19.02.94
261. When the time comes for us to pass through the portal of surrender, when we choose no longer to focus upon our own happiness, but upon that of others, we begin the process of achieving eternal peace and bliss. However, the irony is that we must, or cannot enter for ourselves, but can only do so out of love and concern for others who need this; for each person who manages to pass through helps to open the door of peace for the world. (Seen in meditation at St Michael’s Church, Croydon. 16.02.94 ************
262. In one key sense, the crucifixion of Jesus was inevitable. The Christ, the Lord of the World, lives and breathes all that goes on on our planet. He suffers as we suffer. Jesus was overshadowed by the Christ Spirit. This overshadowing became complete, and as total as it could be, when Jesus came to his trial. At the crucifixion we saw not only what the world did one single occasion to Jesus; we also caught a glimpse of what the world was doing all the time to Christ. When Christ truly showed Himself, we had no choice but to see him as we treated Him / our world / our fellows. (This was given in meditation at St Michael’s church, Croydon.) 20.02.94 ************ tweeted
263. The controversy in the church regarding the ordination of women, and whether it is scriptural or not misses the point. The point is that there is a wave coming through the female aspect of god which the Church and its people must respond to. 20.03.94 tweeted
264. it is possible that the awful events of the twentieth century and the letting in of evil were necessary because the body of earth had built up bad practices that required the in-rush of disease and fever in order to recreate a new and healed body. Certainly a new Europe came about after the two World Wars, although it is still light-headed, and still has not properly settled down. 01.04.94 ************
265. Is it possible that stigmata are displaying the marks of earlier incarnations? I think this might be true of some, but not necessarily all. 03.04.94
266. Entropy is a fact of the physical world, but not of the inner plane. One has only to see this in terms of our mental life which bubbles with activity all the time, ideas materialise non stop. It is the reverse of entropy. 05.04.94 ************
267. This was brought on partly by watching ‘Schindler’s List’, and also by the novel I am working on. This also links in totally with 264 above which came to me as I watched ‘The Last Emperor’. It came this morning. The six million Jews who were murdered in the holocaust were willing victims. They offered themselves as a vast human sacrifice to slough off the sins of the world. They repeated, mirrored, on a vast scale the deed of their earlier countryman, Jesus. They went like lambs to the slaughter. They offered themselves, so that global karma could be brought back into balance. And on the third year (rather than day) they rose again, in 1948, when we saw the creation of the first Jewish state Israel) for almost two thousand years. (See also 189.) 07.04.94 ************ ************
268. Following from 267 ab